Cheetahs In My Shoes

living with the imaginary menagerie and all that it entails

I Spy With My Little Eye something beginning with C


I’m joining in with Mum of One’s I Spy meme for the first time – hop over to her linky to see other posing questions…

Mum of One

Author: Jenny

Life, photos and recipes mixed with family life, additional medical needs and a whole load of imaginary friends

13 thoughts on “I Spy With My Little Eye something beginning with C

  1. *jumps up and down and shouts very excitedly * CHEETAH!! Or maybe cheetah keeper dressed as a cheetah? or just cheetah keeper? or costumed child? Am I anywhere in the vicinity of being right?! LOL

  2. Well it had to be really didn’t it? Cheetah? Although I was expecting cake!!

  3. Ooh cheetah! Very cute outfit 🙂

  4. Aw, cuddly cheetah child!!

  5. Cheetah by the Christmas present paper! x

  6. The perfect letter for you! What will you do with D I wonder?

  7. Cheetah costume! Cheetah costumed child! DO I WIN? DO I WIN??

  8. A cheetah costume, brilliant!

  9. Cheetah costume… Wonderful picture!

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