Cheetahs In My Shoes

living with the imaginary menagerie and all that it entails

Kit Heath Kids Jewellery

We have been privileged enough to be asked to review the most gorgeous bracelet from the new Kit Heath Kids Jewellery range – a task to which the Cheetah Keeper’s sister has taken really rather well!  I admit that I am rather a fan for the Kit Heath range of jewellery – I buy it for gifts and am also rather partial to receiving a box with this rather lovely logo on:

The bracelet we were sent is from their Bow Jingles range.  It comes in the most exquisite packaging, every detail is just lovely, the bag, the sleeve that the box comes in, the box itself and the cushion that the bracelet sits on have clearly been thought about and unwrapping it is such a treat.

The bracelet itself is very pretty

On the largest setting (clasped as it’s shown in the picture) it fits the Cheetah Keeper’s sister perfectly.  She’s 6 but the size of a 10 year old so it would certainly suit girls up to about that size.  The bell and bow detail are lovely and she wore it with great pride.  I would imagine, seeing as she wants to be a princess when she grows up (while she decides what job she wants to do) that this would be part of the ‘look’.

However, I write honest reviews and I do have my reservations…

Mainly, the price.  This bracelet is shown on the Kit Heath website as retailing at £50.  As much as the bracelet is just beautiful this price point would make it completely out of our league – either as a one off gift (birth/christening) or as a birthday or Christmas present.  It’s so delicate it doesn’t come across as having a visual value and although very pretty & detailed it certainly doesn’t have the ‘wow’ factor that would make it a conversation piece.

I’ve shown the bracelet to some other bloggers, family members and friends (to be fair, the Cheetah Keeper’s sister loves it so much she’d have stood out on the street and shown all passers by).  They’ve all said how pretty it is (but also how much the cord would attract the dirt – how boringly practical!) and that they didn’t feel that they would be able to justify the expenditure.  Maybe that’s just the people I talk to…

For a gorgeous keepsake gift this bracelet would be just perfect – especially as you can add to the collection with the matching necklace.  The Cheetah Keeper’s sister would have worn it to school if she was allowed and for a princess in training it’s ideal.   We’ve been incredibly lucky to be asked to review this – Kit Heath Jewellery is just lovely and if you do have the money available, this would be a beautiful gift for a very beautiful little girl.

Disclosure: Kit Heath sent us this bracelet to review, the views that I’ve expressed here are my own and I hope to have given as fair opinion as possible.


Thank you for your comments! The Cheetahs and I really appreciate them.